Weee I got a header and totally hooked on True Blood..
søndag 6. september 2009
Hah I GOT IT.. I finally figured out how to change the header to one i've made myself. I just simply love it when things just have a way of popping into my head with a solution on how to "fix" stuff.. So i'm guess i'm not "that" blonde after all *hihihi*.
The past 2 weeks i've been totally hooked on the new HBO tv- serie True Blood, it's not on the tv here in Norway yet but i've seen it online. And it's GREAT, it has vampires, romance, comedy, suspense, sex, blood and HOT GUYS so basically it has what it takes to make me "LOVE" it. :P The Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mysteries is written by Charlain Harris it's 9 books so far and thats where the tv serie True Blood origins from.
Here is Vampire Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgård)..mmmmm yummy yummy in my tummy!!!
Good night!
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